Get Out There.
I have been working like crazy over the past couple months, massive retouching projects andsome really epic shoots, but there is something on my mind that I want to discuss with you guys. It's the idea of doing, not thinking about how awesome something would be, but doing things that are awesome.
It's Possible!
Lately I get questions like "do you think this would work?" or "could I use this instead?", my response is usually, go try it! We live in a culture where there is so much information, people can learn anything, anywhere, anytime...but how often do they apply what they're learning?! I am getting ready to release some new tutorials and behind the scenes videos, but they don't mean anything if you don't go out and try it yourself! My challenge to you would be this, when you learn something new, immediately go out and try it. Don't waste anymore time learning the next thing when you haven't even started doing the first thing. If you have ideas, go do them now, don't wait until someone tells you if it's a good idea, or if it's possible for you to do it. It's possible!
You are a creative, and by very definition that means you need to create stuff. It's not always going to be good stuff, but it needs to be stuff. If you get blocked then think about what got you started in the first place, why do you want to create? Is it the light at sunset, the smile on peoples faces, the feel of being on set and creating with lighting? Whatever it is, go do it, and keep doing it until what pops up on your screen, or your paper, is exactly what you envisioned.
Right now on Instagram we are doing something I am calling BTS week, where we feature cool behind the scenes images from some of my favorite shoots. One of the main reasons I am doing that is so you see what's possible. Most of the shoots are personal projects, some of them aren't, but a lot of them are. They are huge projects, some of them have crews of 7 or more people on location with tons of gear, and it's all because we decided to go do something awesome. That was it, no money, no one telling us to do it, just to create.
So, as I get ready to launch new videos for you to look at make sure you are getting out there and doing it yourself...don't just think about being awesome, GO BE AWESOME!