Matching Light and Shooting Backgrounds

Well, so far 2017 has been a whirlwind of awesome, and I hope that it's bee the same for you! I wanted to take sec to talk to you guys about the latest set of tutorials we released and give you a quick thought on how to use them. Last year we launched a video called "Intro to Lighting Modifiers for Composite Photography" and that was intended to give you a starting point to choose how to simulate different types of light, or just know what the heck different modifiers do! If you haven't seen that one yet give it a quick watch before you continue with this blog:

So now that you know what they do it's time to start working on a composite! We just recently released a video explaining how to shoot a background for a composite, it will help you get some of the basic practices down to make sure your composites go together seamlessly. Check that one out and then keep reading for our latest video:

Got it? Good! Now, for our most recent video we are heading into the studio to show you how we shot the model for the background! I'll be launching a more in depth Photoshop tutorial in the next couple of weeks showing you how I pieced together the final composite for this one. While you're waiting for that go out and shoot some composites, but first, check out our latest video below:

Would love to hear any feedback from you guys and I am working on better sound and color for you all in the next set of tutorials! Also, we'll be launching another video on how to light a subject, and place them into backgrounds that you don't have the measurements, for coming really soon! Go make stuff, and be awesome!



Get Out There.


2017...the adventure continues.