Loves Fine Art. Once made an ashtray that looked like a tiger's tail.
During winter, he dreams of Florida.

Was born in Germany and makes splendid rouladen, her mother's recipe.
She lost her husband, Edwin, in a motorcycle accident in '93.

Was raised in First United Pentecostal Church and knows 40 gospel songs by heart.
His dream is to give a concert at Acacia Park.

Used to coach little league in California.
He bicycles 20 miles day on his "roady eater".

Loves his dog, Rey, a pit-bull he says is a little misanthropic.
His favorite foods are fried plantains and pork chops.

Worked for years as the head ticket collector for a travelling carnival.
She loves country music. Her favorite song is Carrie Underwood's "Jesus Take the Wheel".

Describes himself as a "metal head".
He hasn't smoked crack in 20 years. He's still trying to kick the meth habit.

Says her two cats, Socks and Boot, sleep with her and her husbamd every night - in their minivan.
Brandy recently discovered she is pregnant with twins.

Moved to Colorado Springs from New Orleans when he was 10.
His favorite foods are catfish and rainbow trout.

Graduated from Harrison High School and felt proud to serve in the United States Army.
He hopes to be able to start a family soon.

Grew up in Kansas, where she raised chows.
She and Benny got engaged on Valentine's Day, 2016. They slept by Fountain Creek that night.

Worked as a bartender in Iowa, where he spent his days walking cornfields searching for arrowheads.
He survived a triple bypass in 2014.

Loves driving in the mountains, when his budget allows.
He earned a green belt in Taekwondo and thinks elegance is an undervalued quality in a man.

Attended Palmer High School and served in the 461 Air Defense at Fort Carson.
He was brought to the U.S. by his adoptive father, who used to beat him for speaking his native Korean.

Was born at Penrose St. Francis. He bikes from his campsite to work every day.
He thinks Manning should have gone for one more NFL title.

Grew up in the strawberry capital of Wisconsin and says his mother made scrumptious strawberry shortcakes.
His son Richard died of cancer at the age of 13.