Creating with Purpose

This blog is kind of a follow up to the last post about community, but at the same time it’s kinda a new topic as well. We all, as creatives, have a unique skillset, one that I believe is important to the world around us. Many times we are able to offer solutions to problems that sometimes seem impossible to overcome, or hard to address. I specialize in photography, so that is the lens that I will look at this with (pun intended) but you can think of this in terms of almost any career!

Launch Magazine Cover

Because of the weight that the arts posses I think they also come with somewhat heavy responsibilities. It makes me think of Spider Man when his Uncle says “With great power comes great responsibility”. This responsibility will most certainly look different to every creative, since we all have different things in our life that we are passionate about. My idea though is rather simple, use the incredible gift you have to create for a purpose. Is there a local organization that you support that could benefit from your skillset? Go make something with them! Is there a way that you can partner to raise money for someone or something? Go do it!

I am most certainly not saying to give all your work away for free, we all need to make money and put food on the table. I do believe that we should all strive to do big projects like this, for free, at least once or twice a year. I personally look at organizations that I currently support or attend, like my church or the local homeless shelter. Why do this? Well, let me tell you!

  1. It’s good for you! It’s not me just saying that either, people who give and are generous with their time and resources are way happier. Try it. If you don’t believe me go Google “are generous people happier?” and read the articles from places like Time, Science Daily, The New York Times, Nature, I think at least some of them are reliable ;)

  2. It’s good for your community…which last time I checked is where we live! I am not saying to go support just any old foundation, charity or cause. Chances are you already have something you’re passionate about and give financially to, maybe give a donation of skill next time!

  3. It’s good for business! I have landed new clients based solely on my Pro Bono projects. I believe that is directly tied to the fact that we are passionate about the subject matter and the story is sitting there for someone to tell.

  4. Personal Growth. Just in case you need another reason, I have found that some of the biggest growth I’ve seen as a human being and as an artist is when I am doing these projects. There are many reasons why, but it is well worth all the blood sweat and tears that you will shed.

I want to finish by giving shout outs to a few people and organizations who are doing exactly this and who I believe in. These are just a few! Please share any awesome people or organizations you know doing awesome things in their community in the comments below!!

Mariangela Abeo - Faces of Fortitude (

Tommy Reynolds - James Dunn Project (

Neighborhood Film Company - Apprenticeship Program (

Krochet Kids Intl -

International Justice Mission -

There you have it…go be awesome and love well!




Defy Burnout - Part 1


Community - A Connection Based Business Plan