Collaboration - Creating Beauty Together
I have posted about topics similar to this before, but for this post I wanted to talk specifically about collaborating with other artists. I think at the heart of this topic is something very simple that I believe in with my whole heart, the idea is this: PEOPLE WANT TO CREATE AND BE A PART OF BEAUTIFUL THINGS.
I always arrive on set early. I mean, I am a punctual person, but that's not why I do it. I actually love being on set, there is something about it...something unlike anything most people will ever experience. Especially in the beginning of my career I loved being around and on set, it didn't matter how much, or even if I was getting paid, I just wanted to be there. Most of the creatives that I have met feel the same way, especially if they love what they do, we just want to be around it. I bring this up because I think a lot of creatives seem to act as if they are the only ones who feel this way, like they can't ask other people just to create for the pure joy of it if money isn't involved. Granted, I like money, and I think most of the people I work with would like to make money, but at the core of what we do is not money. It's passion and creativity.
With this post I want to encourage you to do something big and scary, and to ask other people to come alongside you to make it a reality. I think you'll be surprised how many people are not only willing, but WANT to help you with your vision. Think big, think dream locations, think beautiful Models, think incredible Make Up Artists, think talented Videographers, think amazing Assistants, you get the idea...THINK BIG! Below are two of the most recent collaborations we have worked on...working with crews of up to 7 people, just to make something beautiful.
Madison Flowers
Sierra De Grasse
I also want to take this blog to do one more thing...thank the people who have been so awesome in helping me create.
Riley Marlene (@Riley_Coyote)
Lisbeth Splawn (@LisbethSplawn)
Sierra De Grasse (@Sea_Air_Ah_)
Madison Flowers (@Loki_Goddess)
Make Up Artist/Hairstylist:
Marlene Jimenez (@hello__marz)
White Summit Films:
Storyteller Creative:
They don't really have websites, but Brent has been my first assistant for a long time and I can't even say how invaluable he is on set, from the mundane to the complicated, he's been there through it all. Savannah has recently joined our crew and has already proven to be an incredible presence and help on set, look for great things from her in the near future!
Hopefully this inspires you to get out there and make something beautiful, the world is waiting for you...go be awesome!